Playing games, especially driving games, with multiple levels and challenging obstacles has been demonstrated in numerous studies to enhance reflexes. You'll develop lightning-fast reflexes by being forced to think on your feet all the time during gameplay. Furthermore, it aids in the development of more nuanced hand-eye coordination. The ability to react quickly will improve our knowledge of the world and of most sports. The skill to foresee and manage change will come easily.
Brain Training:
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Boost Your Train
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Solutions to treat some diseases
sugestiaNo one thinks playing games can cure diseases. But it's a benefit of gaming that's been scientifically proven. In a study of the University of Utah (USA), it is said that some chronic diseases, especially in young children, can be improved by playing games, especially memory diseases (Parkinson). This study also showed that children with the disease when playing certain games improved their responsiveness, which in turn brought positive signs for the condition.
In the process of playing games, they also affect the nervous system in the brain of young children. Thereby, producing beneficial emotions, creating a natural reflex mechanism for the body, especially useful for children with autism.
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Improve memory
sugestiaAccording to a scientific study from the University of California in 2015 has shown that playing games not only helps you relieve stress, but can also boost the brain's ability to remember.
Through the same study, it was found that the older a person's memory is, the more it declines. But for those who regularly play 3D role-playing games for about 30 minutes a day, their memory will increase significantly. This happens because when playing role-playing games, players will have to concentrate very hard. And this is considered a useful exercise to help train the brain better.
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Tetris game
sugestia was created by Soviet software programmer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984. For a variety of platforms, it has been made available by a number of companies, most notably in the late 1980s during a court struggle over the ownership of the rights. Before Pajitnov and Henk Rogers co-founded the Tetris Company in 1996 to handle licensing, Nintendo released Tetris for a substantial period of time. -
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Various Levels in the Backrooms
sugestiaLevel 2: This one is thought to have the most amount of darkness in it because of the level that came before it. This scene has a layout like a long tunnel and an industrial complex-like design. The player will go on to Level 2, which is considerably more challenging, after remaining on Level 1 for a sufficient period of time. Keep your cool, glance around, and look for signs that will guide you to safety if you want to get out of this situation. -
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